Those who know me ...know that i go to alot of signings....and i mean ALOT of signings.so the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy.It started last Saturday.My son and i are BIG Star Wars fans .Well at the weekly con that we go to there gonna be a coupple of people from the Star Wars universe....One of them was Ray Park,he played Darth Maul. and another one was a weird choice,( i guess the whole everyone gets 15 mins. concept is working here) was the Stormtrooper that said the "famous" line "These aren't the droids we're looking for" was there and he would tell anyone his story about his claim to fame.After a pit stop at home we left for the signing and premiere of the new Fox series Terminator:The Sarah Conner Chronicles.This was at the Golden Apple comics store(one of my favorite shops)Lena Headey(Queen Gorgo of 300, Summer Glau(Firefly),Tom Dekker(Heroes) were all in attendance.we got there just in time they had capped the line...but I know the owner and he let us in.Thanks Ryan!I talked to Summer(Cute!) for a bit and told her that I had seen her that week on the KTLA Morning News...she said that it was a weird experience because not only did she promote the show she sat in and talked about current events(something different for her)Then I talked to Lena (Cute!)...she was cool and signed all my stuff.It was a cool event except for the handlers ...i know that they are there to represent the studio and the talent but the body guards were kinda rude to folks and the stars were disturbed by the way the bodyguards were acting,,,still a cool event though.Last stp on our tour that day was a gallery opening for artwork inspired by Bruce Lee.I am a BIG Bruce Lee fan I grew up watching all the movies and tv shows.and would always do the whole Bruce Lee imitation"WAAA-TAH!"(yeah i know...I'm weird...my kids always remind me of that)The Gallery was cool and the reason for being there was to meet Bruce Lee's daughter ,Shannon(Cute!)..she was cordial and very attentive cool lady.She signed a print for me of one of the lithographs ..well that's week one...i'll post on week two in a couple of days