So as me and wife make our trek to the premiere...i give the cliffnotes version of the first Hellboy film...as hard as it is to believe ,my wife has never seen Hellboy.my office is cover with so much Hellboy paraphernalia it's not even funny...oh well.Having filled her in,we finally arrive in the Westwood villiage.we get there as Guillermo's bus arrives with everyone in tow.The cast Ron Perlman,Doug Jones ,Selma Blair, and Guillermo all walk the fan line.pretty damn cool.I stop to wave at Doug and say hi to his publicist, John . and continue on to pick up our passes.All this time, even after Guillermos' emails and Maurice reassuring me that everything was cool,i still had this feeling that i was going to walk up to will call and they were gonna tell me that there were no tickets left for me....just me being paranoid.finally found the willcall desk and 'lo and behold there was an envelope waiting for me...YES!!! so ,now the wife and i decide whether or not to walk the red carpet ...i choose not to..who the hell am i?but we were being ushered into the theatre so that they could take a head count anyway.In the lobby i spot Guillermo Navarro (cinematographer)and Mike Elizalde(make-up god)...it seems so surreal...(i will use that word a lot,cuz no other word fits).Guillermo hooked me up, we have seats in the balcony right in the front.i jet back downstairs to indulge myself in some complimentary popcorn and soda, when i see Helen Chavez( Doug's webmaster and my dear friend) and Laurie Jones (doug's lovely wife). We greet eachother like it was only yesterday that we had the 2004 fan screening.The film is about to start so everyone takes their seats...The film is introduced by the man himself,GdT.
Two and a half hours went by in a flash.the movie was not what i expected ...but i really enjoyed it.
The one thing that my wife wanted to do was meet GdT and The Mignola's ( i talk about them incessantly) I was hoping that i could fulfill her request.As we're walking out of the theatre i run into Steve Niles(that's a story for another time).I'll just say that he is one the coolest people out there...we chat for a bit and i ask him where his lovely girlfriend ,Sarah is(that's another story also) and he says that she is in the Ladies room..."Oh" so i keep moving along.
It's kinda weird being on the other side of the "velvet rope"...cuz you kinda feel special and at the same time, i'm saying to myself..."self ..what the fuck are you doing here?"...i see Luke Goss and I immediately look for Jeri Shultz(Luke's webmaster..yet another tale for another time).she nowhere to be found...I start hearing people scream..."Seth".."Seth...come on man sign my picture"They were shouting at Seth Macfarlane( who supplied tha voice for Johann in the film and of Familt Guy fame)..he's oblivious to the fans and keeps on walking...yikes!
So were walking to the after party and who do i see by himself...?