What can i say?It's been a week of truly memorable experiences.
let's start at the beginning...back in 2004 ,I was lucky enough to attend the First Hellebration.Thanks in part to Maurice (Spyda).
like this time around...we (the fans) were treated like royalty.special treatment all the way.
Had an exclusive meet and greet with Guillermo del Toro,Mike Mignola, and Hellboy himself Ron Perlman.We all shared dinner at The Buddah's Belly in Hollywood.don't remember eating much.I think I was awestruck to be in the presence of my heroes.Tales were exchanged and fun times were shared.Here was the genesis that would be the start of my friendships with my fellow Hellions.I had met Rick Cortes briefly,prior to this dinner and have since forged a friendship that still still intact today.I think that other than introducing myself to Maurice that first time ,didn't have much interaction that evening.spent most of my time with Andrea and Paul Delaney my table mates.pictures were taken ,swag was given, and hugs were exchanged.Speaking of pictures being taken,a guy was there to save the day for me and take a picture of Me, Guillermo, and Mike.That man is the one and only Kirk Nelson.A man who still to this day is one of my buddies whose friendship i hold dear.
The next day we all attended WizardWorld..here's where I i got to know my buddy Maurice better we hung out pretty much all day.it was fun.we all stood in line to get autographs from Guillermo,Mike, Ron, and Selma(i think this is where Maurice's love affair with Selma began).
We then attended the press and preview screening on Hellboy.It was the drive down to the theatre that i got to know another of my dearest friends Helen Chavez and Pat Paone.We shared free refreshments and laughs during the screening.We all ended the evening with our very own private Q &A with del Toro over pizza and beverages at The Soffitel Hotel in Hollywood.I hated the evening to end ,but we all knew that it was bound to happen.we shared hugs again and vowed to keep in touch and to this day my friendships with all these fine folks are stronger that ever.
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