Well,I've celebrated a lot of anniversaries..I've been married for almost 20 years and have worked for the same company for about the same amount of time.All very special and dear to my heart.30 years ago today a movie changed who I was and who I would be.That movie was George Lucas' Star Wars. I grew up loving comics(Batman in particular)and I guess that laid the ground work for the future "geek" that I was to become.But this movie,with its story and its special effects would change the movie industry and not look back.I like many others of my age,got to see Star Wars for the first time on the big screen. And the place to see it was the Grauman's Chinese Theatre,where the logo was painted on the side of the wall for as long as I can remember.I went on the 91 bus that took me to Hollywood.and on that bus with me were my two friends,Gerry and Tony.We met at school while Gerry and Tony were talking about star Wars on the playground.I just happened to walk by and Tony stopped me and asked if I had seen it.and so it began...seeing the movie 13 times at the movie theatre,ditching school to stand in line for hours to see the sequels...spending hundreds if not thousands of $ on toys and other stuff.It's been a wild ride that hasn't stopped.Today,My son loves Star Wars and pretty much shares my love for all things "geeky".And I still have the two best friends a guy can have.30 years later,me ,Gerry and Tony,still get our" geek" on at the San Diego Comicon.And hopefully 30 years from now,Crazy Grandpa Gary with his two equally crazy buddies Gerry and Tony,will be blurting out lines from Star Wars.Happy 30th Anniversary My Friends!!!
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